
Deemo II consists of many details that are mentioned briefly but not fully focused on. These details consist the lore of the world that DEEMO II takes place, from who's yet to be introduced to how the world functions while The Ancestor sleeps.

Most of these details can be found from talking to the characters, eavesdropping in on conversations with residents, and reading the Bulletin Board. This page aims to organize them all into a more digestible format.

As of current, the page consists of information up to 2.0.1.

Hollow Rain[]

Hollow Rain is the omnipresent threat that almost every character in DEEMO II faces. The Hollow Rain was created by The Ancestor and causes people to bloom upon contact.

Hollow Rain can affect inorganic material like Klaus' hammer, though it is unknown what causes something to bloom or not. For example, Klaus' hammer became unusable when it bloomed, but Echo can still see briefcases intact in the water of the North Courtyard.


Blooming is a consequence of being exposed to Hollow Rain. Those exposed to Hollow Rain quickly lose consciousness, begin to see flower petals engulf their vision, and witness their body turn into literal flower petals.

This sequence of events can happen as quickly as a few dozen seconds, and the effects seem to be permanent, as some residents are shown to have flower petals stuck and attached to their body.

Using Echo as a case study, blooming makes people disappear but not cease to exist. Rather, Echo describes roaming around in darkness for a long time until she became a Returner by The Composer. Echo and Sgt. Chen currently the only known Returner.


An Oasis is an event where Hollow Rain is absent for a period of time. According to The Brother's father, an Oasis is considered to be the calm before the storm. However, The Brother sees them as a reminder of simpler times when the world was not in ruin due to The Ancestor.

Unlike moments where the Hollow Rain is temporarily parted through Central Station's piano, an Oasis is a natural environmental occurrence. However, it is unknown if the frequency of an Oasis was impacted due to The Ancestor.


Loomers are creatures feared for causing earthquakes that threaten to destroy Central Station further. Loomers come from The Ancestor's body. Not much else is known about them.

The first time a Loomer can be observed is looking down from the bridge at the North Courtyard in Central Station, where a black-blue Loomer is submerged in water. It is unknown if this Loomer is dead or dormant.

The second time a Loomer is seen is when it attacks Summit Station in Chapter 2. This Loomer was then defeated when the monkey guardian of Hillside and Summit Station was brought back by Echo and Deemo's music.

The Girl/Woman[]

The Girl (or woman) is a character mentioned by various others who regain some memories after meeting them in certain areas. It is unknown if the characters who give the girl her descriptor are talking about the same character.

According to the Station Master, the girl was energetic, outgoing, and very respectful. She often visited the piano room to listen to the music, commenting how wonderful it sounded.

Ahmet remembers a young woman who would write letters to her boyfriend across the seas. Ahmet genuinely believed that true love had blossomed, but he does not know if the two ended up together.

Fatma remembers a girl who did not like the classrooms and teachers she had to be with, deciding no longer to attend school. She always appeared sad, and Fatma wondered if the girl had ever returned to school.

Klaus remembers a lady who would sit in the hallway of the Annex and cry before it collapsed. He heard that the woman got pregnant after a long time trying to have one, but unfortunately lost the baby in some way. He then wondered if the woman ever got pregnant again.


Ghosts can sometimes be seen as Echo explores Central Station. The ghosts appear briefly before they disappear seconds later. Sgt. Chen calls these ghosts Voidwalkers, who are beings in a different plane of existence from the corporeal world.

Blooming makes one disappear corporeally but does not have a victim cease to exist, which is how Echo and Sgt. Chen became Returners. It is possible that Voidwalkers are those who have bloomed but can continue manifesting themselves in the world in some way. It is unknown how or why this occurs.


According to Lan, there existed an army that fought The Ancestor. Before the army arrived, there lived a family at Central Station. As the army approached, the family was scared off and had to move far away.

Sgt. Chen is the first and only current example of a soldier seen in the world, though some newspapers in the Lobby show some images of what appear to be armed soldiers, bomber planes, and destroyed buildings.

Further details about the war is recounted in the first entry of Back from the Rain, where Sgt. Chen recounts details of the army's losing battle against the Ancestor and his fate as a Returner.
